Turning off scrolling in Excel without a scroll-lock key
If the arrow keys do not move the cell cursor in Excel, but rather the
entire sheet, then the ‘scroll lock’ function is most certainly turned on.
To turn it off, simply press the Scroll Lock
key on your keyboard. But what
if your keyboard does not have a Scroll Lock
key? The solution is simple.
On certain laptops like my Thinkpad
T430s, there is no Scroll Lock
key. To emulate this key, simply press Fn+K
or Fn+C
depending on your
laptop model.
An alternative is to use Window’s On-Screen Keyboard:

Simply click on the Scroll Lock
key (it is Rollen
in German) to make
the scroll-lock indicator in the Excel status bar go away, and your
worksheets will behave normally again.
Post date
Fri 21 Mar 2014Tags
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