Providing a translation in your own language is one way to support the XL Toolbox that does not require you to be a programmer.

Currently, the XL Toolbox supports English (default) and German.

Without additional tools

Translating the XL Toolbox involves copying two files and editing them: `Strings.resx` contains most of the text of the XL Toolbox, and `RibbonStrings.resx` contains the labels of the buttons on the Ribbon.

These files are XML files, but to edit them, you really only need something like Windows notepad or WordPad, or maybe a free tool such as Notepad++ which sports nice color highlighting.

Here’s an example screenshot of the Strings.resx file:

Screenshot of Strings.resx

All you need to do is to replace everything between the <value>...</value> tags with your translation.

It is important to save the files with a file name that contains the appropriate language code. For example, in the German translation with language code ‘de’, the file names are and

You can view and download the two files here:

Click on ‘Raw’ to get the contents of the file directly to save it to disk:

Accessing raw file content on Github

With additional tools

There are tools that make editing .resx files much more comfortable. One of them is Zeta Resource Editor. It’s free.

With Git versioning

If you are into programming yourself and know about the Git source code management system, you can clone the repository, create a feature branch, create the translated files, and issue a pull request on GitHub.

This is in fact what I would prefer you to do, but I understand most people won’t be familiar with Git and GitHub in particular.


If you provide a translation, I expect you to license it to me under the Apache License 2.0, or release your translation into the public domain (CC0). Please include a written statement to this effect.

There will be no financial reimbursement of any kind for providing a translation.

If you don’t agree with this, don’t provide a translation.